Hydrogen permeation in tank materials  

Posting by barry on April 17, 2008 at 15:38:14.


What sort of composite material do you recommend for containment of liquid hydrogen? The liquefied hydrogen is in cryogenic conditions (below 123 Kelvin) and is stored in a mobile tank. We have several options:

- Aluminum, several grades including Aluminum-Titanium
- Titanium Oxide - Polyphenylene Sulphide laminate
- Epoxy (Derakane) coating or liner on top of Stainless Steel
- Other suggestions for coatings for hydrogen containment?

We want analysis on basis of material hydrogen permeability, chemical resistance- cracks, mechanical properties) and manufacturing (processability) properties
Regarding processing, we must inform that we have had several problems with our composite material (bonding failures, skin rupture, bulges).

Thanks for your help guys.

          follow up posts
    On 04/17/2008 Composite Analytica posts: Hi Barry,

    - Titanium Oxide on top of a slightly more polar polymer may show interesting low hydrogen permeation results and mechanical strength. In case you would still want to use Polyphenylene Sulphide, rigorous cleaning and abrasion, is essential, and the configuration must be laboratory tested thoroughly.

    - With regard to Derakane Epoxy or other epoxy, vinyl ester materials, we recommend to read the following threads:

    Original message by Kyle Smith: Permeability of Hydrogen in Epoxy Liner/Coating
    Response: Diffusion of Hydrogen Gas through Epoxy and Hybrid Resin Materials

    Please contact us in case a detailed analytical assessment or laboratory testing is required.

    Composite Analytica

    [responses: 1]

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hydrogen permeation sorption diffusion tank liner coating